In Loving Memory

Marie Batdorf

Marie Batdorf
June 5, 1931
March 16, 2014
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Our sympathy goes out to you with the passing of your mother, Danny. I know the past few years have been difficult for you all, and that you've been grieving the loss of the Mother you grew up with for a while now.

We, too, have many good memories of both your Mom and Dad. They were both quick to laugh and were definitely "glass-half-full" people.

Blessings to you and Diana as you wear the boots and shoes of Patriarch and Matriarch for both sides of your family. May you continue to lead and guide your family on the pathway to Jesus.

Bonne & Bob
Bob & Bonnie Spies
Glen Rose, TX
Marie was our landlord for several years and she treated us like family. She and her husband were always good to us and completely fair in their dealings with us.

She will be missed.

May you rest in peace, Mrs. Batdorf.
Alan and Donna Lehmann
Brenham, TX
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