In Loving Memory

Susan Kuhlmann

Susan Kuhlmann
June 26, 1964
October 15, 2022
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I worked with Susan Kuhlmann for 11 years. Susan was a friend and an amazing employee in so many ways. She did her job fiercely and always delivered more than she was asked. She was so dependable, so trustworthy and such a solid lady. She was one of the very best employees DNOW has ever had and recently celebrated 40 years! I fondly remember when Wilson Supply and NOV came together years ago. We held a bake-a-thon. Susan made her famous peanut butter silk pie and man oh man, when us judges sampled it, one of us, Mr. Still, dropped his fork and said folks we have a winner! Susan will be sorely missed as a key employee but above all she will be missed for being a lovely friend and fine person.
Steven Sakowski
The Woodlands, TX
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